Mary, Queen of Heaven, Pray for Us Who Have Recourse to Thee.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Act with Faith, Hope and Charity

Occasionally, summer's hot temps give us the opportunity to attend mass at a local air conditioned parish, yesterday's high temp in the 90's was once such occasion.  We usually either end up at Saint Odilia's  in Shoreview or Maternity of Mary in Saint Paul.  Yesterday we attended Maternity of Mary, where the Pastor, Father Peter Williams is my favorite homilist (and favorite confessor too).  He gave the a most apropos homily, which I'll try and summarize (wish I had recorded him). 

He started off by relating a story of a three year old he had met the previous week and how the boy had come up to Father several times and showed by word or deed that he was now a "big boy" now.   Later, though, the boy showed his abstinence in other behavior and would throw a tantrum or stomp off.  The only question the boy would ask is "Why".  Why do I have to do this?  Why do I have to eat that?  Why do I have to go to bed? 

In counseling parishioners one of the toughest hurdles that he encounters is how difficult it is for people to get past the why.  Why does my husband have cancer, he is too young.  Why can't I find a job?  Why doesn't my son attend mass?  Why is my boss so inconsiderate?  Why won't my father quit drinking? 

He related that we have to move beyond the "why" to the "where".  Where is God's plan in it?  God's challenges give us the opportunity to grow in holiness.  We need to accept God's challenges, find God's plan in them, and take the opportunity to act with Faith, Hope and Charity.  FHC!

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